I Write Therefore I Am

What Can I Do For You?

I have a chequered resume and I like it that way. It keeps me sharp and assures that I am constantly evolving. I take pride in my versatility as a writer in many genres; whether it’s creating a catchy slogan for a campaign or new product, writing a speech for a CEO or a startup entrepreneur. As a lyricist, I write (and co-write) song lyrics for jazz and pop singers, and do coaching as a ‘’song doctor’’ for established and aspiring songwriters. I also take a mean portrait with my analogue cameras and am available for selective commissions. My exclusive portraits of 70s icons are also available for purchase. Welcome to my website.


As a copy writer, I have developed projects for multi-national companies like KLM, KPMG, and Heineken, as well as for independent designers and entrepreneurs like Hester van Eeghen, Marianne Vanderwilt, and the International Writer’s Collective. My assignments ranged from press releases and promotional material, speeches, newsletters, and campaign themes. I also have a penchant for writing slogans and will take on any challenge with a smile.


I am an analogue woman in a digital world and still make portraits with my analogue (and one digital) cameras. My specialty is capturing the spirit of my subjects in their home and work environments. I use black and white film (and occasionally color) and available light. My portraits have been likened to “internal x-rays”.


I met Charles Bukowski after Glen Esterly, a colleague and friend, invited me to photograph the not-yet-legendary poet, for a profile he was going to do for Rolling Stone. Tempting as it was to finally grace the pages of the respected counter-culture music publication, I initially refused.


As a part-time teacher at the New School for Communication Services in Amsterdam, I like to think that I learn as much from my students as ideally, they do from me. It is a dynamic exchange of energy which relies on clear communication and trust. Outside the classroom, I work selectively as a tutor/coach, not only with students who need help enriching their language skills, but with a variety of non-English speakers: from the corporate to creative. CEO’s, actors, singer-songwriters, and much more.

Joan Gannij, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

E-mail: info@joangannij.com

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